Talk about a 'whopper' of a deal!  The Whopper - the signature sandwich at Burger King - is celebrating its 64th birthday.  To honor the sandwich and the event, Burger King will offer the Whopper for sale at it's initial 1957 price:  37-cents - this weekend.

Saturday, December 4 and Sunday, December 5 - customers will be able to order that "flame-grilled [hamburger] patty with mayo, lettuce, tomato, pickles, ketchup, and sliced onion on a sesame seed bun" for an extra-low price.  Don't like your sandwich that way? That's okay - because one of the signature mottos that Burger King has leaned on all these years is that you can "have it your way"; just tell them what to hold or add to build your own custom, made to order Whopper.

Like many things there is a catch - but it's a small one; it's also completely do-able.  In order to get the Whopper for 37-cents, you have to be a Burger King Royal Perks member.  Becoming a member is super-easy:  Just go to the Burger King website or app and take care of the details.  They only ask for your first name and an email address.

Burger King Offers Meatless Whopper In Its St. Louis Locations
Getty Images

According to details on their website, Burger King is the "second largest fast-food hamburger chain in the world".  It first opened in 1954.

While the main focus of their menu has been the Whopper since it was introduced in 1957, the chain has a lot of other food items to please the fast-food customer.  Burger King was one of the first national chains to offer onion rings in place of French fries; their Original Chicken Sandwich.  They also helped to revolutionize the industry as one of the first chains to introduce breakfast items - which helped increase and drive profits for fast food restaurants around the clock.

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Burger Toppings - Other Than Lettuce + Tomato

The hamburger is probably one of America's favorite foods. And while you can eat them plain, most people add toppings to theirs to make them even more delicious. Besides the condiments (i.e. ketchup, mustard, maybe mayonnaise and barbecue sauce), the standard toppings usually include some combination of cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickle, and onion. Those standard toppings represent the majority of burgers that get made and eaten. However, some people look for other toppings to take their burgers "over-the-top". Read on for some ideas you might not have thought of before.

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