GuySpeed Editors
National Anthem Singer-Skater Gloriously Falls on Ice Before Hockey Game
While you were busy this weekend filling up on a diet of crazy pro and college football and the insanely exciting MLB playoffs, you missed out on some pretty wild...Canadian minor league hockey?
Don’t You Hate When Your Mom Walks Onto the Set of Your Lame Music Video Demanding Cigarettes?
Mom is the one person who you can always count on to be there for you. Even when you don't want her anywhere near you.
These People Volunteered to Get Tased by Their Evil Friends on Video
"Say there, friend, how'd you feel about letting me inject you with 300,000 volts of electricity while this guy takes pictures of it?"
Girl’s Adorable Irish Accent Can’t Save Her From Embarrassing Ice-Bucket Fail [VIDEO]
By now there seem to be as many "ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE FAIL" videos as there are successes, but do any of them feature a delectable Irish brogue?
Eli and Peyton Manning Rap (Again!) In Fantastic New Ad
Eli Manning and big brother Peyton may very well have their post-football careers set.
Deranged Man Drinks Gallon of Honey While Bees Cover His Face
There's a fine line between extreme and stupid. This guy has crossed it.
Watch Nutcase Eat an Entire Watermelon
A lot of people splurge and pig out over July 4th weekend. This guy did it one sitting.
News Anchor Shamelessly Leers at Bikini-Clad Reporter, Gets Scolded [VIDEO]
Fox 5 New York anchor Greg Kelly must have missed his company's sexual harassment training.
Donald Sterling Is the Most Hated Man in America, Like You Didn’t Already Know That
Donald Sterling needs some new PR people faster than the time it takes for him to bury his foot in his mouth.
Guy Cutting Down Tree Surprised When Tree Fights Back
If a tree falls in the forest will anyone hear when it shows how annoyed it is? The answer is most definitely yes.
Fried Chicken & Beer Burger Is Delicious in a ‘You’ll-Die-Happy’ Kind of Way
Alcoholism and gluttony collide in one thirst-quenching and calorie-filling delight.
5 April Fool’s Day Jokes That May Actually Be Too Mean to Pull
April Fool's Day brings out the prankster in all of us. In this day and age when everything is caught on camera, why not go for the jugular with these jokes?