According to the Duluth Harbor Cam website, the American Spirit has hit the breakwall in Duluth near the Paulucci building.

The nearly 1000-foot cargo ship is seen on webcams and Twitter photos just feet away from the breakwall. At this time there are no reports of damage to the breakwall or the ship, but the Coast Guard is on scene evaluating the situation.

RealAndyGeorge on Twitter shared these amazing photos of the American Spirit right up on the wall.

There is no doubt that the ship has left the canal and may be stuck, and it's not known how much the passing thunderstorms had to do with this. I'll update the blog as more is known.


Duluth Harbor Cam website confirms that the ship did not hit the breakwall but is grounded and will need assistance to break free. No damage is reported.  You can see in the video below that moments before it would have hit the breakwall, the ship drops its front anchors in an attempt to stop, which thankfully it did.

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