5 Things That Only People From The Duluth Superior Area Know
I have lived all over the United States and traveled to just about every state. One thing I have learned is that every area has a few things that only people from that area know. I think that's how people know you are NOT from that area. So, here's 5 things people from this area know.
- screenshot google maps
screenshot google maps 1The Can Of Worms
The Interchange area of I-35 and I-535 with exits on both sides, and where 27th Ave W and I-535 enters I-35. Most people probably have a 4 letter word for this area, but we call it the "Can Of Worms".
- nick stoltman tsm duluth
nick stoltman tsm duluth 2Lake Effect
Why is it colder by the lake in the Summer, but in the Winter it's a little warmer? How come there's fog downtown Duluth and Superior and you go over the hill and it's clear. Why is it everyone that lives by the lake got so much snow. Why is it the storm went around the Duluth Superior area? The answer to all questions like that, Lake Effect.
- Google Maps
Google Maps 3It Used To Be The Congdon Mansion
Tourists know it as Glensheen, and it's a great tour. If you are from the area, you know it was the Congdon Mansion and it was famous for a murder.
- Visit Cloquet
Visit Cloquet 4How To Say Cloquet
Let's face it, you can spot someone who is not from the area when they say Cloquet. If they are not from the area they add the "T" on the end.
- Greenmars via Wikimedia
Greenmars via Wikimedia 5Edmund Fitzgerald
Everyone knows the song, and can probably sing it. We take pride in the fact we are part of the story. The ship left the Duluth/Superior harbor on it's way to history. We know the history and what it carried. We even know what iron ore is and how it's shipped.
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