22 Questions About The Twin Ports That Have Appeared On ‘Jeopardy’
People that live here know that the Twin Ports area is kind of a big deal. While some on the East and West Coasts might think of us as flyover country, the "North Coast" definitely has the interest of the folks that come up with questions for Jeopardy. Being Duluth and Superior are important inland shipping ports, they're at the head of the greatest Great Lake, they have a deep history, and they hold an incredible amount of natural beauty, it's easy to see why.
Thanks to the website J! Archive, I discovered that Duluth and Superior have been featured as part of 22 questions and has featured a couple contestants. Most of these are pretty easy for people that call the area home, but try your hand and see how you do!
It turns out we've had a few locals appear on the show as well!
Anna Lawrence of Duluth made a season 30 appearance on July 15, 2014. Anna scored $6,200 in the Jeopardy! round, and came out of the Double Jeopardy! round with $14,200. She wagered $5,800 on Final Jeopardy! and got the answer correct to take second place in the game. You can see the full game results and Final Jeopardy! question/answer here.
Ryan Cook of Eveleth is the other person from the area to appear on the show. Ryan went up against Jeopardy! prodigy Ken Jennings during his appearance on the show. He was on Season 21 on November 6, 2004. Ryan scored $5,800 in the first round, got to $16,600 at the end of Double Jeopardy!, and got the Final Jeopardy! question correct with a wager of $12,500. Ryan fell $4,101 short of Ken Jennings to take second place in the game. You can see the full game results and Final Jeopardy! question/answer here.
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