As I was thinking about changes I need to make for 2017, I took time to reflect on what has gotten Northlanders talking and expressing their opinions. Our celebrations and things we endured together that made us stronger as a community...
Unless you were living under a rock (or just hanging out in Superior all weekend like myself), you knew that the Tall Ships Duluth was this past weekend. Thousands and thousands of people flocked to the festival wanting to see the ships and the Rubber Duck...
The tall ships are here! And with them has come additional people and traffic to the Duluth Harbor area. One estimate I saw suggested an additional 300,000 people visiting our community to see the eight giant ships that have sailed into our port for the four day event.
The Tall Ships event will begin this week in Duluth with a "Grand Parade of Sail" on Thursday, August 18th. The City of Duluth expects an influx of traffic over the weekend.
One of Duluth’s most visible and popular parks is Leif Erikson Park, and his story tells us about the Viking expedition exploring the world. The Draken Harald Hårfagre has set sail on this great sea voyage.
Working the tall ships three years ago was an incredible experience for me. The ships were beautiful and the reenactment village was cool. The craziest thing I saw was that people were paying the staff members $60 for their event shirts.