Everyone is in to tweeting what they are doing right now. If you have enough followers like the celebrities, it can be fun. Do we really care about everything you are up to. I don't care about things big stars are up to, do we really want a picture of you with no make up in the tub?
While cases of Ebola in the United States can be counted on one hand, there's a palpable fear of the deadly virus around the country. Even though the virus isn't easily transmitted, it is certainly a grim bug that is definitely worth being at least a little worried about. Groups of tasteless jokesters are taking advantage of this fear and using it to stir things up in cities around the country.
In a growing trend over the past year, Facebook fan pages have been popping up, offering free items like iPads, phones, computers, and other electronics and prizes. All the pages ask you to do is "like" or share the page or post in order to win. Pages like this are categorically considered fraudulent by social media specialists. Why are these pages being made, and how can you spot a fake
Call it "imaginative marketing". Call it "using modern/social media to its full potential". Or - call it "strange". The recently-vacant Duluth Central High School is for sale - on Craigslist.
If you've been on Facebook or Twitter today, you've undoubtedly noticed several people changing their profile picture to a red equal sign that is spreading rapidly around the web. What is this supposed to signify?
More and more people everyday are using the internet to shop. It seems like all business both big and small have their own website, packed full of wonderful bargains for the holiday season. Shopping on the internet can save you a lot of time, it's a real convenience.
I think we've all been there. You go to a nice restaurant for a relaxing meal - and the person at the table next to you is talking on their cell phone. Or texting. Or snapping pictures and updating their Facebook account.
Over the past month or so, Pinterest has taken the internet by storm, with the pinboard-style photo sharing platform proving to be especially popular with women. So does that mean there is space in the cyberverse for a Pinterest-like site geared toward men?
Enter Manteresting, which is described as a place where men 1) get inspired by awesome content; 2) share manly things with the community; and
Now that people are getting more used to being on social networks like Facebook they seem to be getting more picky about whom they are sharing their information with.
According to a survey from the Pew Research Center, 63 percent of social media network users removed people from their friend rolls in 2011, which was up from the 56 percent of those who did so in 2009.
There appears to be an "app" for everything these days and social media is the cause or cure or most everything else. That's why this story is interesting: Facebook has announced a program designed to make it easier for people who are expressing thoughts of suicide to get help...
Those pictures your friend posted to your wall. The late-night status updates. If you're a prospective college student, you might want to re-think how you use Facebook.
The number of college admissions officials using Facebook to learn more about an applicant has quadrupled in the past year, underscoring the effect social media has on U...