I've never bought golf shoes because I could never find my size in stock. I finally ordered some online and found an affordable option for fellow "bigfoot" golfers.
The company announced Friday that it would be closing all 2,100 of its U.S. and Puerto Rico locations through the next few months after a liquidation sale.
My sister and I were shopping at a mall in Wausau, WI when we started looking at shoes (imagine that) in one of the mall’s anchor stores. We both found a few pairs that we wanted to try on, but there was only one girl working the shoe department, meaning getting shoes and working the register to check people out. I can appreciate that the store is trying to save money by not over staffing or that
I've always said both on the air and in my posts, that I've got the best neighbors on the planet. I think this story will prove it. Let me introduce you to Steve and Jane Sherner of Lake Nebagamon.
Steve and Jane heard of the terrible living conditions and poverty in Haiti through through their church and COFHED. Shocked at what they found out, they decided to take a trip to Haiti and see for them