
Superior’s Sewage Billing Process Changing;  City Will Now Bill Direct
Superior’s Sewage Billing Process Changing; City Will Now Bill Direct
Superior’s Sewage Billing Process Changing; City Will Now Bill Direct
In case you didn't get the message this past fall, the City of Superior is making a change to their billing process for sewage rates - effective Jan 1, 2014.  SWL&P will no longer be billing customers for sewage use;  That charge will be billed directly from the city.  Customers who live or obtain services from SWL&P will notice the changes with their first bill of the year.
Sewage Seeps Into Red Carpet For Golden Globes
Sewage Seeps Into Red Carpet For Golden Globes
Sewage Seeps Into Red Carpet For Golden Globes
The Red Carpet is usually the place for glamor and stars. According to TMZ a sewage pipe burst on the red carpet. According to the story, Black sewage started to gush onto the red carpet after a pipe burst just after noon only hours before celebrities were set to come walking through.