
Robin Gibb Comes To Life, Paul McCartney’s Enemy Tampon, and Rihanna Says No Rehab Ever
Robin Gibb Comes To Life, Paul McCartney’s Enemy Tampon, and Rihanna Says No Rehab Ever
Robin Gibb Comes To Life, Paul McCartney’s Enemy Tampon, and Rihanna Says No Rehab Ever
Hey There!!! Be sure and catch my entertainment report at 7:20 am Monday thru Friday with Chris Allen, Remember to Keep Looking at the Stars!! Bee Gee Robin Gibb  is now conscious and speaking to his wife. However, the outlook for the 62-year-old musician remains uncertain as he receives more treatment for advanced bowel cancer, pneumonia and liver failure...
Rihanna Says “I’ll Never Need Rehab”, Ryan O’Neal Stage 4 Cancer, Someone Rips Of Tom Petty’s Guitars, The Office Is Planning A Reboot
Rihanna Says “I’ll Never Need Rehab”, Ryan O’Neal Stage 4 Cancer, Someone Rips Of Tom Petty’s Guitars, The Office Is Planning A Reboot
Rihanna Says “I’ll Never Need Rehab”, Ryan O’Neal Stage 4 Cancer, Someone Rips Of Tom Petty’s Guitars, The Office Is Planning A Reboot
Hey There!!! Be sure and catch my entertainment report at 7:20 am Monday thru Friday with Chris Allen, Remember to Keep Looking at the Stars!! Singer Rihanna says she'll never end up on rehab because she thrives on pressure. Gentlemen, place your bets, how long before we report she’s on a bender and gets photographed nude with or without another famous star and pointing her middle finger at the ca
Rihanna/Kutcher Meeting Not Secret, Hunger Games Breaks Record, Simon Cowell Finds A Brick and Woman In His Bathroom.
Rihanna/Kutcher Meeting Not Secret, Hunger Games Breaks Record, Simon Cowell Finds A Brick and Woman In His Bathroom.
Rihanna/Kutcher Meeting Not Secret, Hunger Games Breaks Record, Simon Cowell Finds A Brick and Woman In His Bathroom.
Be sure to catch my Entertainment on KOOL 101.7 with Chris Allen at 7:20 am. HERE’S A FOLLOW UP TO A STORY I HAD ON FRIDAY, I REPORTED THAT RIHANNA HAD A NOT SO SECRET VISIT WITH ASHTON KUTCHER. WELL I FOUND OUT Ashton Kutcher and Rihanna apparently have been dating since December...