After a year of cancellations, Pancake Day with the Duluth Lions Club returns in 2022 for the 63rd year on May 5th from 6 am to 7:30 pm in Pioneer Hall.
I've been fortunate to be a part of the Duluth Lions Club Pancake Day for years. First, as a kid, I served coffee and did clean-up. As an adult, I have been able to have fun with the toppings and broadcast live.
Every year for the past 13 years I've been a part of the Lion's Club Pancake Day, with my alternative toppings. I want to say thanks again for allowing me there.
Every year I like to play a joke on WDIO, I throw pancakes at the weather person. I think the best year, we made a sign that went around the head of Justin Liles and it said hit me, and he even threw back. Last year I didn't do it because I didn't know Dana very well, and I was used to men. I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot with Miss Zimmer. This year, different story.
Bill walks around and pours coffee, chat's up the latest stories in the news and offers advice on things, but if you stop him and ask him to, he will sing this orginal song, and he may ask you to sing. To help you out, here is the song so you can learn the lyrics. Obviously, when he did it, I needed to help.
No matter how you read that, it's still funny. Every year for ten years I have been at Pancake day for the Lions club, this year the 56th annual is one that they have high hopes for, and so do I.
Chris Allen, mornings for KOOL 101.7, and unbeaten sausage eating champion. Jeff Edmondson, morning weather on the Northland's News Center and KOOL 101.7, with new comer Ben Dary, morning weather on WDIO 10/13. With Courtney Godfrey, morning news for Northland's News Center, filming and giving play by play. Watch as the Drama Unfolds!