With Nine Inch Nails having their reasons for making their new 30-minute release a full length and not an EP, we answer five questions about the format.
Iron Maiden singer Bruce Dickinson revealed that he got his nickname “The Air-Raid Siren” from a complaint letter written by an angry fan after his first shows with the band.
As a life-long music fan that's been following the industry for well over 40 years, I found this recent bit of news very disconcerting: 2014 will mark the first year that no album will achieve platinum status for sales.
Neil Young hates MP3's. As a life-long audiophile, I agree with him. MP3's compress audio, eliminating all of the highs and lows that should be in your music; They also sound "thin" and increase listener fatigue. But - I'll step off my "soapbox" and get on with the news.
If you're a music fan, you might take a passing-interest in what goes on in the industry. And, as we approach the end of the year, experts (self-appointed or otherwise) are making their predictions for what we can expect in 2012.
I came across this post with predictions for the music business in 2012...
Can I just say that as a life-long music fan and collector, I HATE this news?
Just like the music industry did in the late 1980's when they conspired to prematurely pound the nail in the coffin for the vinyl format, it appears that they are about to do the same for CD's...