Whether you're a skilled astronomer using a high-powered telescope - or an amateur backyard observer, you'll want to know that tonight (August 31st) - represents your chance to see a Blue Moon.
To the uninitiated, a Blue Moon doesn't mean that the orb in the sky looks blue in color; A Blue Moon refers to the second-showing of a full moon in the same calendar month...
Chip Somodevilla, Getty Images
The first person to set foot on the Earth’s moon, Neil Armstrong passed away today (Aug. 25) due to complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. He was 82.
A man called England’s 999 emergency service number to report an unidentified light floating in the sky. Then, two minutes later, he had the courtesy to call back and admit what he thought could’ve been space aliens was actually just the moon.
Proving that the lost CAN be found, a small speck of lunar dust that has been missing for 40 years turned up recently in St. Louis.
"It's a speck — the size of a fingertip," said David Kols of Regency-Superior auction house, where the dust had been placed for sale...