Meat Loaf says he's never drank his own urine, but he knows people -- famous people -- who have. The singer does cop to injecting a solution that included his urine however, but it's really not as strange as it seems.
It's been a rough start for Meat Loaf's UK tour. The singer postponed another show last night because of "medical reasons afflicting several members of the band." That's the fifth of eight shows he's either cancelled or postponed.
Meat Loaf is retiring from the road. The American rocker says his Last at Bat Tour -- which begins on Friday (April 5) in Newcastle, U.K. - will be his final tour. Previously he'd only hinted that the run of dates would be his final European tour, but during a recent interview he admitted his health his holding him back.
Meat Loaf may have suggested his touring career was concluding as far back as 2007, but the rocker is finally and apparently ready to say farewell to at least one nation. The vocalist has just announced the 'Last at Bat' tour of the U.K., which is intended to be his final trek in the country.
As a musician, you sort of know you’ve arrived when the touring market can support someone else charging people to watch their own performances of your hits — but there are definitely drawbacks to having your own celebrity impersonator. Just ask Meat Loaf, who’s suing a Loaf tribute act for squatting on the domain name.