
Solon Springs Firefighters Climb At Lambeau Field To Support National Fallen Firefighters Foundation [VIDEO]
Solon Springs Firefighters Climb At Lambeau Field To Support National Fallen Firefighters Foundation [VIDEO]
Solon Springs Firefighters Climb At Lambeau Field To Support National Fallen Firefighters Foundation [VIDEO]
Jonathan Brostowitz and his family have listened to B105 since I started in 1996.  That's how I met him when he was a young boy with big dreams.  He has always been kind and compassionate and he took those qualities into his career of firefighting and now to support the fallen firefighters of our National 9/11 tragedy.  An additional Solon Spring Firefighter and local resident will be climbing at
Fill the Boot
Fill the Boot
Fill the Boot
Please be careful around the major intersections, members of the Duluth and Superior Fire Departments are there for the annual Fill the Boot fundraising campaign to help the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) find urgently needed treatments and cures for muscular dystrophy, ALS and related diseases that severely limit strength and mobility.
Fill the Boot
Fill the Boot
Fill the Boot
If traffic is slow up ahead at an intersection, look for a fire truck or signs telling you the firefighters are out collecting money for MDA. The nice part is all the money stays right in the Twin Ports to help kids and adults and their families living with MD and ALS.