Darth Vader, with a few stormtroopers, appeared in Ukraine and gave a speech essentially putting his helmet in the race for the President of Ukraine. Darth Vader is the official candidate of the Ukrainian Internet Party (UIP), which wants to make everything digital with free computer classes for all...
Darth Vader may be an evil galactic overlord, but that doesn’t mean he’s above being a corporate shill for Madison Avenue. Hey, times are tough these days, even for a Sith Lord.
According to a mock publication called the Galactic Empire Times, Imperial leader Darth Vader confirmed this week that terrorist mastermind Obi-Wan Kenobi has been killed.
In this spoof of the recent killing of Osama bin Laden, "agents of the Imperial Army and stormtroopers of the 501st Legion" found Obi-Wan in a "compound, only about 50 miles from the base of operations for the Imp