Senator (and former presidential candidate) Bernie Sanders have become the biggest meme of 2021 so far. Here are some Minnesota-oriented memes + how to put Bernie anywhere in the world.
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders took to his Twitter account Wednesday afternoon to support striking St. Louis County snow plow drivers.
Everyone has to eat and if you're on the road - out of town - you usually end up at a restaurant. On Tuesday night (October 4) Bernie Sanders was in Duluth to stump for the Democratic Party at a rally on the UMD campus. While in town, it appears that he ate at a Northland favorite: Grandma's Restaurant...
In an election-cycle that seems to be going on forever comes this: Bernie Sanders will be returning to Duluth on Tuesday, October 4 to stump for his one-time rival Hillary Clinton. The rally will happen on the campus of UMD in the Kirby Ballroom.
Remember the little clubs we would have in grammer school? The one kid that was louder and didn't use a large vocabulary? Well, according to a recent poll bythe Boston Globe Donald Trumps speeches are at a low level of intelligence. Now before you get angry at me for saying that and send me email, we hear and understand him better because of that.
Vermont Senator and Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders made a stop at the DECC in Duluth today, addressing a crowd estimated to be over 5,000 people on the platform for his campaign.
Today is a big day for Duluth and Bernie Sanders heads to the DECC for his stop in the Northland and with over 6000 people expected to show up could be for a rough time and big traffic problems. Well fear not There's a App for that, and you can watch it live.
A recent study done by the Boston Globe found that those who talk at lower grade levels are doing best in the polls. The Globe analyzed 19 speeches by all the candidates and found that the successful candidates are keeping it simple and reaching more people. Donald Trump, for instance, is speaking at a 4th grade level and connecting with the most people, what if a fourth grader was to deliver his