
Farm Equipment Is Back On The Road, Exercise Care For Slow Moving Large Vehicles
Farm Equipment Is Back On The Road, Exercise Care For Slow Moving Large Vehicles
Farm Equipment Is Back On The Road, Exercise Care For Slow Moving Large Vehicles
It's fall, and that means some of the farmers are going to be working on their fields and using their equipment. It's not the fastest equipment but it is needed to get the job done. Law enforcement is reminding everyone to keep an eye out for equipment on the road and keep an eye out for individuals who may be in the way, but doing their job.
Tobacco Prices Likely To Increase Slightly Due To Drought
Tobacco Prices Likely To Increase Slightly Due To Drought
Tobacco Prices Likely To Increase Slightly Due To Drought
If you're a tobacco user, the news isn't all that bad. Tobacco prices may increase only slightly due to the drought. Because of recent rains, Kentucky tobacco farmers now believe they will be able to salvage at least some of their burley...