We’ve all been there - stuck in a seemingly endless line, cart overflowing with bulk buys, only to realize you’ll be standing still for the foreseeable future.

It’s the kind of headache that turns a “quick” trip into a drawn-out, all-day affair. You’ve already survived the jam-packed aisles and wrestled giant packs of toilet paper into your cart, only to end up stuck behind someone stockpiling enough goods to last through the next apocalypse.

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Let’s face it, waiting in line at a warehouse store is one of the least enjoyable parts of the shopping experience.

Well, Sam’s Club is shaking things up with a game changing store where checkout counters will be a thing of the past!

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You read that correctly, instead of the traditional lines, shoppers will use the Scan & Go app to make your purchases, speeding through the shopping experience without ever stopping at a register. Having a register to stop at won't even be an option.

Related: Changes Rolling Out at Costco Stores in Minnesota

Sam's Club will use the extra space where the check out lanes were to showcase products that are typically only available online. It’s a shift that speaks to the growing demand for convenience and digital engagement, and Sam’s Club believes it’s the future of retail.

According to Retail Dive, this first-of-its-kind Sam's will be opening October 17th in Grapevine, Texas.

What does this mean for Minnesota stores?

Could we be next in line to ditch the checkout counters in favor of an app-based experience?

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Currently, the Minnesota stores do have the option to purchase everything directly on the app, but the checkout lines are still available. They also announced another big change earlier this year to eliminate the need for customers to stop and show receipts upon exiting the store.

This new no-checkout rollout could just set the stage for big changes across the country, and it might not be long before Sam’s Club locations here follow suit.

Would you be for this change at Minnesota stores?

Listen to Curt St. John and Samm Adams in the Morning weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m. on Quick Country 96.5

18 Items That Minnesota Goodwill Stores Will Not Accept

Before you load up your car with donations for Goodwill, check out this detailed list of items that Goodwill stores in Minnesota do not accept.

Gallery Credit: Samm Adams