The wife of Moody Blues and Wings veteran Denny Laine launched a fundraising campaign to help with his recovery from a critical illness.

Laine has endured a series of health setbacks in recent months that have left him “too weak” to play guitar. In setting up the GoFundMe project, spouse Elizabeth Hines said she hoped to have him home and starting to play again by his 79th birthday next month.

“For the past two months, he’s been in and out of the hospital concerning an illness in his lungs that developed after his short bout with COVID last year,” she noted. “He’s had multiple tests, X-rays and scans that are ongoing, along with three surgeries, most recently for a collapsed lung, which includes an inserted chest tube that is temporarily needed until his lung heals. He recently contracted a bacterial infection in his blood, which he is still battling, but seems to be under control.”

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She added that Laine needs “several weeks of physical and occupational rehabilitation” complicated by his inability to fly or undertake long-distance car journeys, and because he doesn’t have medical insurance, the process would be costly. “I’m asking for financial help to get Denny the medical care and recovery time he requires,” she said.

“It’s important he concentrates on healing during this time. Our goal is to have Gypsy Den home in time for his birthday, Oct. 29. He wants to be able to play his guitar again. Presently, he’s too weak.”

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Hines told their local paper, the Naples Daily News, that Laine wasn’t well enough to be interviewed but that he was in high spirits and focusing on being able to play again. “Denny doesn’t like to be caged up,” she said. “So there’s nothing worse for him than having to sit still in a hospital bed.”

Referring to two concerts he had to call off, she added, “He never cancels or postpones. The show must go on. … When he was in Wings, he went on with a 102-degree fever.”

The campaign has raised $16,000 of the $100,000 target so far.

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