Preventing auto theft, or at least making it hard to have a vehicle stolen in itself is not that difficult.

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When the Duluth Police Department recently made a Facebook post about it, I said to myself "yeah, that's common sense.

I stopped though and thought about it and realized they aren't just posting these tips in an effort to fill their page.  After talking with some police officers, I know they said it's because people keep doing the things that make it easier for car thieves.

Car thefts keep happening because of the simple things, like when people leave their keys in an unlocked or running vehicle.  Most of us have done it at some point, I know I've been guilty of it, but it takes a couple of seconds for someone to jump in when you're at the gas station just running in quick.

A good majority of vehicle thefts happen when they are left running, so just keep these tips in mind so you don't become a statistic.  They wouldn't be posting these reminders if vehicles weren't still getting stolen because someone made it extra easy for the criminals to steel them.

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Gallery Credit: Lauren Wells