Last summer the Twin Ports received its first roundabout - at the foot of the Bong Bridge on the Wisconsin side.  Until that intersection went round, the closest roundabout was just to the west of Ashland on Highway 2.

Due to economics and safety issues, officials with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation are planning more roundabouts for the state and potentially for our area.  But have you ever wondered where the rest of the roundabouts are in the state?  A graphic put together by WISDOT using Google Maps provides a zoom-able map that outlines each current roundabout in the state along with proposed locations.  It makes for interesting research.

Just a quick look at the graphic details that the majority of the roundabouts in Wisconsin are located in the southern part of the state - primarily near Madison and Milwaukee.  Closer to home, it appears that there are roundabouts planned for Rice Lake (3 of them to be exact) and one planned for Danbury.


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