There are many ways to save money, people have begun to shop online, but sometimes you can save money by calling the company. You can save time and patience by asking for a stateside operator with most companies so you can understand what they are telling you. You have that right!!

Shopping online is convenient, but there are times when picking up the phone can save you some cash or, at the very least, score you a nice upgrade. Plus you can tell the person exactly what you want.

Credit Card

"Having that human element really helps," says Laura Oliver, a deal expert who runs and who has scored plenty of deals just by making a phone call. She also makes a point that you should have your best negotiating family member or friend haggle prices or talk your credit cards into higher credit limits, or lower your rates.For people with average-to-good credit, the annual percentage rates associated with a credit card aren't necessarily set in stone. Use some of the other offers to tell the company what you want from them or you will leave. The fear of losing your business will make them want to help you.

Call Your Cable Provider


Use the same trick with them that you use with your credit cards. Company X has this deal, can you do better or match? If you can't I will leave. They will miss your monthly payment. They will work with you. If they won't, call company B and do their 1 year deal, then come back to the other company and get their low price.

These are just a few. Sometimes you have to speak to someone to get what you want. You can always keep asking for a supervisor when you call.

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