This Sunday there will be a Solar eclipse, and this time most of the National Parks will be able to share in the excitement. Unlike some of years past, it's been a gathering on a hill or great vantage point that people have enjoyed a solar eclipse.

Thirty-three national parks will see the full effect. Many western parks will be offering an array of events for their guests, ranging from placing telescopes out for viewing up to a full-scale astronomy festival, some will feature speakers, or experts to help people understand what they are seeing and enjoy it safely.

"We're lucky that so many parks happen to lie within the path of the annular eclipse," Grand Canyon park ranger Marker Marshall told OurAmazingPlanet.

A grand event

The Grand Canyon park staff, along with the help of the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association, will be setting up solar telescopes and helping people safely view the eclipse. NASA scientists will be present to talk about the eclipse, as well as recent lunar findings. They will also have eclipse glasses for sale and will demonstrate how to use binoculars to safely set up a projection of the eclipse on a piece of paper. After the eclipse, the park will host a star party.


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