Do you have a NOAA Weather Radio? The Division Of Emergency Management urges you to get one. It can help you during inclement winter weather and during the summer and some of the storms that can cause tornados.

During spring storms, and winter weather, information is given that you can't find on tv, especially if the power is out, this radio is easy to keep running.. If you enjoy camping, hiking, boating, or are outdoors a lot, you should own at least one. They are inexpensive, portable, need no cell service, and give adequate warning of approaching storms, winds, tornadoes, boating information, flooding, road conditions, and five day forecasts for your area. Remember, there are areas that have no cell service, or minimal service at best, and a weather radio could be your only source of approaching danger.

You may purchase them almost anywhere. When you consider the minimal cost versus the potential hazards, having one with you at all times is a wise decision.  Living in Wisconsin, we are all familiar with quick changing weather patterns. Don't get caught without one, weather radios save lives.

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