Because the actual date of Easter Sunday changes from year to year, many people are confused as to how it's determined.  In no way is the date randomly selected and knowing how it's determined allows us to pinpoint the date for any year in the future.

According to, Easter Sunday is tied to the lunar phase:

Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. If the first full moon occurs on the equinox, Easter is the following Sunday. Thus, Easter can fall anywhere between March 22 and April 25.

Plotting the past and future dates of Easter Sunday on a grid provides some interesting results.  Did you know that we'll never see the earliest-instance of Easter in our lifetimes?  Easter won't fall on March 22 again until 2285.  But, many people will probably see that latest date as it falls on April 25 again in 2038.  The last ten years have brought us close - as Easter was on March 23 in 2008 and on April 24 in 2011.



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