Having coffee in the morning can help you for the rest of the day, not just the jolt of waking up when you have breakfast. A group of scientists, and I would assume coffee lovers, found that it will help you deal with the pain of working at a computer.

According to a story by the Daily Mail, it's the same stimulant  added to some pain-killing medicines, such as aspirin and paracetamol, because it is thought to boost their analgesic qualities. The research says that the caffine in the coffee stimulates certain receptors that allow the other chemicals to work.

Coffee has been shown to protect against liver cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and even strokes. But there have been few studies exploring its pain-busting properties.

So, the study goes like this.

People  underwent an hour-and-a-half of computer tasks, which involved correcting typographical errors on a document as fast and as accurately as possible, using only the computer mouse. They were not allowed to pause at any time and were assessed for their levels of pain throughout the experiment.

Although both drinkers and non-drinkers experienced pain in their shoulders, neck, arms and wrists during the task, coffee consumers reported much lower levels of discomfort.
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